Sharing Thoughts About Hellos and Good-Byes
Dear Families: Every day, you and your child say good-bye to one another in the morning and hello again in [...]Toilet Learning
Sometime between two and three years old, children begin to show interest in using the toilet. The ability to be [...]What Is “Developmentally Appropriate Practice”?
You probably have noticed that our classrooms have a lot of hustle and bustle and noise, that children are up [...]Cooking with Children
Dear Families, Cooking is an important part of our program. When children cook, they have opportunities to learn about nutrition, [...]Helping Children Cope with Stress
With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season upon us, I’d like to take a moment to talk [...]The GOLD® Program
This year, our program will use GOLD®, an online observation-based assessment system that supports effective teaching and children’s development and [...]ReadyRosie Partnership
We have partnered with the educational resource ReadyRosie to share powerful games and expert videos that support you and your [...]